NitPicky USA

Oct 19, 20234 min

Cleaning Up After Head Lice: How to Clean Your Home and Childs Bedroom After an Infestation

Head lice infestations are more common than most people think. They can be a headache, but cleaning up after head lice is an essential step to ensure they don't return. This article delves deep into the steps you should take to clean your home after a lice infestation, giving you peace of mind and a lice-free living space. Here's why you need to read on.


  1. What are Head Lice and How Do You Get Lice?

  2. The Importance of a Head Lice Clinic

  3. Why Should You Clean Your House After a Lice Infestation?

  4. Bedding and Lice: What to Do?

  5. Using a Vacuum to Get Rid of Lice and Nits

  6. Brushes, Combs, and Hair Accessories: How to Clean?

  7. Should You Opt for a Lice Removal Clinic?

  8. How Long Can Lice Survive Without a Host?

  9. Peace of Mind: Ensuring Lice Don't Return

  10. Lice Facts: Myths vs. Reality

1. What are Head Lice and How Do You Get Lice?

Head lice are tiny insects that infest the human scalp. Direct head-to-head contact is the primary way they spread. If someone in your family experienced lice, it's essential to check for lice on everyone and treat the infestation promptly. Remember, it's not just about treating the scalp; you need to clean your home too.

2. The Importance of a Head Lice Clinic

Lice clinics, like the NitPickyUSA, offer professional head lice treatment. When dealing with a persistent lice problem, getting professional help ensures that all lice and nits are removed. It's an efficient way to ensure your family is free of head lice.

3. Why Should You Clean Your House After a Lice Infestation?

After getting rid of head lice from the scalp, it's crucial to clean your house. Items like hair brushes, bedding, and even car seats may still harbor lice and eggs. A thorough home cleaning ensures that any remaining lice are eliminated, preventing a re-infestation.

4. Bedding and Lice: What to Do?

Bedding is a common place for lice and nits to hide. It's crucial to wash and dry all bedding in hot water and high heat. For items that can't be washed, like stuffed animals, put them in the dryer on high heat for at least 30 minutes. Dry cleaning is also an effective method for items like pillows.

5. Using a Vacuum to Get Rid of Lice and Nits

Vacuuming is essential in removing lice from your home. Vacuum all floors, mattresses, and furniture. Lice and eggs can fall off the scalp and embed themselves in these areas. Regular vacuuming ensures that you capture these pests before they can cause another infestation.

6. Brushes, Combs, and Hair Accessories: How to Clean?

Brushes and combs come into direct contact with the scalp and can harbor head lice. Clean them thoroughly by removing any hair strands attached and then soaking in hot water. Hair ties and other hair accessories should be put in the dryer on high heat or replaced if possible.

7. Should You Opt for a Lice Removal Clinic?

If you're overwhelmed by the cleaning process or fear a re-infestation, a lice removal clinic can help. These clinics, like NitPickyUSA, offer deep cleaning services to ensure your home is thoroughly clean and lice-free.

8. How Long Can Lice Survive Without a Host?

Lice need a human head to survive. Without a host, they can only live for a short period. By cleaning your home after a lice treatment, you ensure that any lice without a host die, preventing them from finding a new one.

9. Peace of Mind: Ensuring Lice Don't Return

After treating and cleaning, regular head checks and preventive measures can give you peace of mind. Teach your family about the risks of head-to-head contact and regularly check for lice, especially if someone around them has had an infestation.

10. Lice Facts: Myths vs. Reality

Many myths surround head lice. For instance, lice don't just infest dirty hair; they can live on any human scalp. Getting facts from reliable sources, like a lice treatment clinic, can help you better understand and manage lice infestations.

Key Takeaways:

  • Head lice spread mainly through direct head-to-head contact.

  • Cleaning your home after a lice infestation is crucial to prevent re-infestation.

  • Bedding, brushes, and other personal items should be cleaned thoroughly.

  • Lice clinics offer professional treatments and deep cleaning services.

  • Regular checks and preventive measures ensure lice don't return.

Keeping a Child's Bedroom Lice-Free: Essential Cleaning Tips

When dealing with a lice infestation, it's not only the scalp that needs attention but also the environment, especially a child's bedroom. Lice can survive for a short period without a human host, and their nits (eggs) can remain on various surfaces, waiting to hatch. Here's how you can ensure your child's bedroom remains lice-free:

  1. Bedding and Pillows: Wash all bedding, pillowcases, and blankets in hot water followed by a cycle in the dryer on high heat. This will kill any lice or nits that may be present. For items that can't be washed, such as decorative cushions or stuffed animals, sealing them in a plastic bag for two weeks or placing them in the dryer on high heat can be effective.

  2. Clothing: Any clothes that have been worn recently should be laundered using the same hot water and high-heat dryer method. If some items are delicate and cannot be subjected to such temperatures, consider using dry cleaning as an alternative.

  3. Brushes and Hair Accessories: It's vital to clean all hair-related items as they come in direct contact with the scalp. Soak brushes, combs, hair ties, and other accessories in hot water for at least 30 minutes. Additionally, avoid sharing these items until the lice infestation is fully addressed.

  4. Toys and Soft Furnishings: Lice can sometimes find their way onto soft toys or furnishings. Vacuuming the room thoroughly, including the mattress and any upholstered furniture, can help remove lice and nits. Toys made of fabric should be washed or sealed in plastic bags for two weeks.

  5. Regular Checks: Even after cleaning, it's essential to keep a vigilant eye. Regularly inspect your child's scalp and hair for signs of lice or nits. Early detection can prevent another full-blown infestation.

Maintaining a clean environment is crucial in the battle against lice. By following these tips and ensuring regular checks, you can provide your child with a comfortable and lice-free space to rest, play, and grow.
