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Effective Strategies to Clean Your Hairbrushes and Comb from Head Lice

clean your hairbrush from lice

A head lice infestation can be a frustrating and unpleasant experience. Not only do you have to deal with the discomfort and itchiness, but you also have to ensure that the lice are completely eradicated from your hair and personal belongings. One important item that often gets overlooked when it comes to lice treatment is the hairbrush. Hairbrushes can harbor lice and their eggs, making it crucial to clean them thoroughly to prevent reinfestation.

How to Clean a Hairbrush After Head Lice Infestation

When it comes to cleaning a hairbrush after a head lice infestation, there are several effective strategies you can employ. Here are some tried and tested methods:

Sanitizing the Brush

The first step in cleaning your hairbrush is to sanitize it. You can do this by spraying a lice-killing spray or rubbing alcohol onto the bristles of the brush. Make sure to thoroughly coat the bristles, as well as the base and handle of the brush. Allow the sanitizing solution to sit on the brush for a few minutes to ensure all the lice and eggs are killed. Afterward, rinse the brush with hot water to remove any residue.

Soaking the Brush

Another effective method is to soak the brush in a mixture of hot water and anti-lice shampoo. Fill a bowl or basin with hot water and add a generous amount of anti-lice shampoo. Place the hairbrush in the solution and let it soak for about 15 minutes. Then, use a fine-toothed comb to remove any remaining lice or eggs from the bristles. Rinse the brush thoroughly with hot water and dry it completely before using it again.

Cleaning the Brush in the Dishwasher

If your hairbrush is made of plastic or is heat-resistant, you can clean it in the dishwasher. Start by using a comb or your fingers to remove any hair strands or large debris from the brush. Then, place the brush in the utensil compartment of your dishwasher and select a hot water setting. The high temperature and strong water pressure will help kill any remaining lice or eggs. Once the dishwasher cycle is complete, remove the brush and allow it to air dry.

Best Ways to Get Rid of Head Lice from Hair Brushes

Best Ways to Get Rid of Head Lice from Hair Brushes

Getting rid of head lice from hair brushes requires a combination of thorough cleaning and effective lice-killing methods. Here are some recommended approaches:

Freezing the Brush

One way to kill lice and their eggs is by freezing the brush. Place the hairbrush in a plastic bag and seal it tightly. Put the bag in your freezer and leave it there for at least 48 hours. The extreme temperature will kill the lice and eggs, ensuring that they cannot survive and reinfest your hair.

Using Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is another effective solution for killing lice on hair brushes. Fill a small container with rubbing alcohol and submerge the brush in it. Make sure all the bristles are completely covered. Let the brush soak in the alcohol for at least 5 minutes to ensure that all the lice are killed. Afterward, remove the brush and rinse it thoroughly with hot water.

Disinfecting in Hot Water

Hot water is a powerful tool for killing lice and their eggs. Fill a basin or sink with hot water (not boiling) and submerge the hairbrush. Allow the brush to soak in the hot water for at least 15 minutes. The heat will kill any lice or eggs present on the brush. After the soaking time, rinse the brush with hot water and dry it completely before use.

Preventive Measures for Hair Brushes after Head Lice Infestation

Preventive Measures for Hair Brushes after Head Lice Infestation

Once you have successfully treated a head lice infestation, it's important to take preventive measures to prevent reinfestation. Here are some strategies for keeping your hair brushes lice-free:

Vacuuming the Hair Brush

Regularly vacuuming your hairbrush can help remove any lice or eggs that may be present in between uses. Use a small brush attachment to thoroughly clean the bristles, base, and handle of the brush. Dispose of the vacuum bag or clean the canister after each use to prevent lice from spreading.

Washing the Brush with Anti-Lice Shampoo

Another preventive measure is to wash your hairbrush with anti-lice shampoo regularly. Simply apply a small amount of the shampoo to the brush and lather the bristles. Rinse the brush thoroughly with hot water to remove any residue.

Rinsing the Brush with Boiling Water

Boiling water is an effective way to kill lice and their eggs. After washing your hairbrush with shampoo, rinse it with boiling water. Be cautious while handling the hot water to avoid burns. The boiling water will help ensure that any remaining lice or eggs are destroyed.

How Long Can Lice Live on a Hairbrush?

How Long Can Lice Live on a Hairbrush?

Understanding the life cycle of head lice is crucial in determining how long they can survive on a hairbrush. Here are some key points to consider:

Understanding the Life Cycle of Head Lice

Head lice go through three stages: eggs (nits), nymphs, and adults. Nits are small, oval-shaped eggs that are firmly attached to the hair shafts, usually within 1.5 cm from the scalp. Nymphs are young lice that hatch from the eggs and mature into adult lice. Adult lice can live up to 30 days on a human head, feeding on blood several times a day.

The Survival Time of Lice on Hair Brushes

When lice or nits fall off the hair shafts and onto a hairbrush, their survival time decreases significantly. Lice can only survive for a short period of time without a host, and they rely on blood for sustenance. Typically, lice can survive on a hairbrush for up to 48 hours, depending on the environmental conditions.

The Importance of Regularly Cleaning Hair Brushes

Regularly cleaning your hair brushes is essential in preventing the spread of lice. By removing lice and their eggs from the brushes, you minimize the risk of reinfestation. It is recommended to clean your hair brushes thoroughly after every lice treatment and on a regular basis to maintain good hygiene.

Safe Ways to Remove Lice and Eggs from Hair Brushes

Safe Ways to Remove Lice and Eggs from Hair Brushes

When it comes to removing lice and eggs from hair brushes, there are a few safe and effective methods you can try:

Using a Fine-Toothed Comb

A fine-toothed comb is a valuable tool for removing lice and eggs from the bristles of your hairbrush. Comb through the brush in small sections, starting from the base and working your way to the tips. Make sure to thoroughly clean the comb after each use to prevent lice from spreading.

Soaking the Brush in Vinegar

Vinegar can help loosen the glue that attaches the lice eggs to the hair shafts. Fill a bowl with vinegar and soak the brush in it for at least 15 minutes. Afterward, use a fine-toothed comb to remove the eggs from the brush. Rinse the brush with hot water to remove any vinegar residue.

Scheduling a Professional Lice Removal Appointment

If you are unable to effectively remove lice and eggs from your hairbrush or if the infestation persists, it may be best to seek professional help. A professional lice removal service can provide expert guidance and thorough treatment to ensure that all lice and eggs are eliminated.

Q: How do I clean my hair brush from head lice?

A: To clean your hair brush from head lice, follow these steps:

Q: Can I use a regular comb to get rid of lice?

A: Yes, you can use a regular comb to help remove lice and nits from your hair.

Q: What should I do with my hair accessories if I have lice?

A: It is important to clean or get rid of any hair accessories that might be infested with lice, such as hair clips or bands.

Q: How can I kill lice and their eggs on brushes and combs?

A: There are various ways to clean brushes and combs from lice, such as soaking them in hot water, running them through the dishwasher, or freezing them.

Q: Can lice hatch from eggs on hair accessories?

A: Yes, lice eggs can hatch on hair accessories and then crawl onto your hair. It's essential to thoroughly clean or get rid of these accessories if you have lice.

Q: How long do lice eggs live on brushes and combs?

A: Lice eggs can survive up to 48 hours on brushes and combs unless they are cleaned or treated.

Q: Is it necessary to make a professional appointment to clean hair brushes?

A: No, you can clean your hair brush at home using household methods or over-the-counter lice treatments.

Q: Can lice survive if they are not on a human head?

A: Lice can only survive for a short period (up to 48 hours) without a human host. They need to feed on blood to survive.

Q: What should I do if I brushed my hair with someone who has lice?

A: If you have brushed your hair with someone who has lice, it is crucial to clean your brush and make sure you do not have any lice on your head.

Q: Can lice die if the hair brush is kept away for a certain period of time?

A: Lice can die within 24 hours if they are not able to feed. Keeping your brush aside for a day can help eliminate any potential lice.

Relevant posts from NitPickyUSA's blog regarding head lice and their treatment include:

  1. NitPickyUSA Blog - Explore NitPickyUSA's Blog Page for the latest insights on natural lice removal in Broward. From prevention tips to treatment breakthroughs, this blog offers valuable knowledge for families​1​.

  2. How Long Will My Head Itch After Lice Are Gone: The Complete Guide - A comprehensive guide exploring the lifecycle of lice, the factors contributing to itching, and effective ways to treat and prevent lice infestations​2​.

  3. Nit Picky Solutions for Head Lice: A Comprehensive Guide - Provides an in-depth analysis on professional nit-picking services offered by NitPickyUSA and how to apply some of those principles at home​3​.

  4. Where Do Lice Come From? Debunking the 'Sewer Lice' Myth and Tracing the Origin - Aims to set the record straight on myths and misinformation surrounding lice, providing insight into their origin​4​.

  5. The Lifecycle of a Louse: From South Florida to Brooklyn and New York - Discusses the lifecycle of lice and provides information on prevention and treatment, particularly in the regions of South Florida, Brooklyn, and New York​5​.


  1. CDC: Provides detailed information on head lice, their infestation and the common way they spread among humans. The site mentions that head lice move by crawling, and they infest the head and neck area, attaching their eggs to the base of the hair shaft​6​.

  2. Mayo Clinic: Offers an overview of head lice, their symptoms, and causes. It explains that head lice are tiny insects that feed on human blood from the scalp and usually spread through direct transfer from one person's hair to another's​7​.

  3. MedlinePlus: Details the physical characteristics of head lice and their eggs, mentioning that adult lice are about the size of sesame seeds and live on people's heads, especially near the scalp, neckline, and behind the ears​8​.

  4. FDA: Provides information on treating and preventing head lice. It specifically mentions a method to disinfect combs and brushes used by a person with head lice by soaking them in hot water (at least 130°F) for 5 to 10 minutes​9​.

  5. These resources should provide a thorough understanding of head lice, methods to treat and prevent infestation, and additional insights into managing the issue.

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